Team Spot Check-In: Chris Ithurburn

1. Tell us a little bit about how you came to be involved with NBR. What was your first run? How long have you been involved? 


CI: I was introduced to NBR by my wife Erika as she was following the Google group for some time before we ever showed up for a workout.  We had started to run as a way to spend time together as she trained for the NYC Half. I wasn't really focused on any training and only really did a couple of 5k's and triathlons for fun. I eventually signed up to do the SF Rock n' Roll Half with her family and decided I needed to get serious about training.  I first tried out Thursday Night Track in November 2015 and really enjoyed the committed group of regulars that I would get to know very well (Caitlin Shu, Jenn Herr, Jose LaSalle, Sean Laude, Ken Allen among others).

2. How is marathon training going? Are there any specific workouts that are really moving things along for you? Tell the world a good NBR long run story. 

CI: The training has its ebbs and flows.  Some weeks I enjoy pushing myself, but it can be a mental struggle sometimes to focus on each workout.  That said, I'm not really following a strict plan so I tend to pick workouts based on my schedule.  The longer Tempo workouts tend to pay the most dividends in my training so I can push myself beyond what I thought capable.

As for long run story, my first real long run was a Narwhals 11 miler back in April. I wasn't sure if I would be able to keep up, knowing who was running, and really appreciated Karina Christiansen holding back and making sure I didn't die on the course.   

3. Which NBR runs are you attending regularly to train? Are there any NBR members who inspire you to train hard (er)?

CI: Well I just started as a run leader for MNER (yay Anna, Caitlin, Colin, Russel and Seth!), so that has been my go to for running from work and joining up.  Thursday Night Track is the best to test your speed, then pizza and beer afterwards. The members I regularly run with are Q, Nate Diaz, Carly Lissak, Maddie Hanley, and Lauren Tarte during Track/Tempo workouts because they are all faster than me and really push me harder than I could ever do myself.  For long runs, I have to thank Mary Harvey for the hours of company and all of the pep talks to keep me confident and sane about doing my first marathon.

4. What does it mean to be chose by your peers for a coveted NBR  marathon team spot? 

CI: I am truly honored to represent our club and am humbled by all of the work that goes into making NBR AMAZING!

5. What do you plan on eating post-marathon? What about the nite before? 

CI: For the night before: I will probably make a huge vat of pasta carbonara.  For after? I had joked with Pete Schwinge that we should go to Peter Luger after the marathon, but that could be the best/worst idea ever.

6. What inspires and motivates you to run this year's NYC marathon?

CI:  Well I have never run a marathon before - so there is that. This is the hometown race.  I have really enjoyed watching and volunteering at the water table in years past. Based on where I was going for my training, I felt that I should do it at least once, possibly for the only time. 

7. In your head, what celebrity do you think you most resemble when you're running?

CI: Paul Rudd?


Race Report: Berlin Marathon 2017


Team Spot Check-In: Angela Ortiz