NBR's 2016 Racing Year
by Logan Yu and Danielle Carrick
It's been another great racing year for NBR! In 2016, we had 508 (275 men and 233 women). runners cross the finish line at New York Road Runner races.
nbr race finishers
NBR raced year round and the most popular distance was the half marathon with 572 finishers.
nbr race finishes by distance
The Brooklyn Half led the way as the most popular race followed by the NYC Marathon.
2016 races with nbr runners
NBR had tons of runners with 7+ races.
most frequent nbr racers
NBR finishes varies by age group, with the 30-39 year old range being the largest chunk.
nbr finishers by age
NBR saw a lot of runners reach 70% AG in their best race this year.
112 NBR runners had a finish above 70% AG.
70%+ ag finishers
Congratulations to all. We're looking forward to many more miles in 2017!