Club Points Races
NBR actively competes in NYRR's ten designated Team Points Races each year. Each club registered with NYRR will accumulate points based on how they place in each of these races. At the end of the season, the points from each club's top 8 races are totaled to determine the overall rankings of all the teams.
In NBR, Team Points races are major team-bonding & social events. Race week amenities include a team bib pick-up, organized meet-ups for everyone to get to the race on time, cheer squads to support those racing, and post-race celebrations.
While Team Points races are competitive in allowing points to be scored, they are no different from any other race throughout the year. Everyone is encouraged to participate in Team Points events - whether racing, cheering or socializing. Your finish time can never hurt the team, so do not be discouraged from racing these events because you feel you are too slow. In fact, your presence can help allow your division to score when it may not have had enough people running that day without your help. We pride ourselves in having great turnouts to Team Points races throughout the year, and they are a great way to race with the support and cheers of your wonderful team.
2025 NYRR Club Points Races:
Washington Heights 5K | March 2 | 5K | Washington Heights |
Run as One 4M | April 6 | 4 mi | Central Park |
Brooklyn Half | May 17 | Half Marathon | Brooklyn |
Queens 10K | June 14 | 10K | Queens |
Team Champs 5M | July 27 | 5 mi | Central Park |
Percy Sutton Harlem 5K | August 9 | 5K | Harlem |
5th Ave Mile | September 7 | 1 mi | 5th Ave |
Bronx 10M | September 14 | 10 mi | Bronx |
Staten Island Half | October 12 | Half Marathon | Staten Island |
New York City Marathon | November 2 | Marathon | New York City |
Ted Corbitt 15K | December 6 | 15K | Central Park |
10 Team Points races per year
Scoring happens in 14 different divisions
Men's and women's open (all ages, grouped into A, B, and C subdivisions), as well as men's and women's age-group divisions for 40+, 50+, 60+, and 70+.
Top 5 finishers times are added together in each category
Masters categories (age 40+) - Top 3
Team Champs
Open - 10 men and 10 women score for a team in their respective races
40+ - 5 men/3 women
50+ - 3 men/3 women
60+ - 3 men/3 women
70+ - 3 men/3 women
NYC Marathon - Top 3
In each race, the first place team gets 15 pts, 2nd - 12pts, 10, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 pt for any team that has at least their required number of scorers in that division
At end of year, top 8 races points are added up to see total rankings across NYRR
At the annual NYRR Club night, the previous year's top clubs are honored and receive special awards
Current team rankings can be seen here.