Team Spot Check-in: Jeffrey Skaar
photo by Vincent Wai Him Hui
NBR: Tell us a little bit about how you came to be part of NBR. What was your first run? How long have you been involved?
JS: The story of my running origins in general and with NBR are part of the ongoing TNT series, for anyone to find on the Google group. My first run was a Wednesday Night Road Run in 2013, when I discovered what I now consider the first rule of NBR: subtract at least 15 seconds from the pace that anyone says they are going to run. I have been a regular with WNRR ever since, and I became a run leader in 2015.
NBR: How is marathon training going? Are there any specific workouts that are really moving things along for you? Tell the NBR world a good long run story.
JS: Um…. can I plead the 5th? Those of you that know me know that I’m not so good with training plans. I will get mileage in, but I won’t track or plan it incessantly. I have never keep a training log, and I don’t plan on starting. Also, I’m not so good at varying paces. Is this limiting my ceiling? Definitely. However, for me, running is a release. If I tracked it incessantly, I wouldn’t enjoy it nearly as much. With that in mind, what workouts really help? Anything with hills. All my favorite routes have them, and I know I’m in shape when I feel good running a route that includes something like Union St. Even better - trails, although they are in short supply. So far this year, my best training run was a race (Finger Lakes 25K). As far as my overall training, the spring season was a painful slog, but lately some bounce has been returning to my step. Apart from the oppressive heat, I’m feeling pretty good.
NBR: Which NBR runs are you attending regularly to train? Are there any NBR members who inspire you to train hard(er)?
JS: Since I’m not a morning person and I work from home, I run screaming from the house every night. WNRR, TNT…sometimes plyo or track. If it is a night NBR workout, I’ve been there. I try to get my distance in with Narwhals or SFR. If I can couple a Narwhals workout with the Bridge Run, even better. Inspiring NBR members? Where to start. There are too many to list, but it starts with anyone volunteering in any position (even if it isn’t training specific). It’s also great to watch everyone throw themselves into a goal - whether it’s the new runner that goes from a first NBR run at the back of the pack to throwing down fast times in races or established runners seeking bulletproof BQs. Finally, we have our fair share of speed merchants that seem so agonizingly close at the start of a run/race and end up being specks in the distance, way ahead.
NBR: What does it mean to be chosen by your peers for a coveted NBR Marathon Team Spot?
JS: There are so many people in NBR that give so much of their time to the team. I’m extremely honored to have been chosen for an NBR team spot. I hope to contribute to returning the favor by working the water table again next year.
NBR: What do you plan on eating post-marathon? What about the night before?
JS: I can’t eat immediately after long runs, so I’ll do my best to choke down a protein bar after finishing. After that, I likely won’t be able to eat for a few hours. However, by the after party, I’ll be eating anything and everything in sight. Also, beer and whisky. The night(s) before will probably be some simple pasta.
NBR: What is your running spirit animal and why?
JS: Mountain Goat. Quick, but not the fastest. Likes hills and trails. Stubborn as hell.