NYC Marathon Team Spot Check In: Erin Conlon


Tell us a little bit about how you came to be involved with NBR. What was your first run? How long have you been involved?
I joined the google group in May 2018, but didn't actually make it to a run until July because I was too nervous. My first run was the Saturday AM bridge run, which suddenly explained the swarm of people I'd see running over the Williamsburg on any given Saturday (which I found annoying until I became one of them...).

How is marathon training going? Are there any specific workouts that are really moving things along for you? Tell the world a good NBR long run story.
Marathon training is feeling hit or miss for me, especially after a race-free pandemic year where I was mostly just coasting. I've been giving myself a lot of grace. I've also recently started adding in more speedwork which I surprisingly enjoy!

Which NBR runs are you attending regularly to train? Are there any NBR members who inspire you to train hard(er)?
I co-lead Monday Morning Easy and Doves, and I like the contrast of easy and moderate runs throughout my week. Also can usually either be found at Narwhals or Sunday Funday to get my long runs in. I've been really inspired by Cait Papageorge and Mikayla Savuto this training cycle, but am also generally just a sponge and willing to listen to nearly any tips anyone has to give.

What does it mean to be chosen by your peers for a coveted NBR marathon team spot? What does it mean to you to be running the 50th anniversary NYC Marathon?
It means a lot! I've only been running for about three years, so I feel so fortunate to be recognized as part of the team. Originally, I was supposed to run the New Jersey Marathon in April 2020, then in October 2021 until it ultimately got canceled entirely. That would've been my first-ever marathon, but in retrospect I'm absurdly excited and feel really lucky that the 50th NYC Marathon gets to be my first.

What do you plan on eating post-marathon? What about the night before?
I'll probably try to sucker my friends and family into a bottomless brunch situation after and have an entire vegan pizza the night before (dairy before many miles is frightening to me).

What inspires and motivates you to run this year's NYC marathon?
Just knowing how many of my ~peers~ and fellow NBR teammates are doing it, plus the excitement of it being the 50th anniversary and return of the race since 2019. Plus I'm extremely curious to see if I'm a one-and-done type of marathoner or if I get bit by the marathon bug. Truly anyone's guess.

In your head, what animal (real or fictional) do you think you most resemble when you're running?
An animal in water that can't swim.


NYC Marathon Team Spot Check In: Kendal Enz


Race Recap: Miriam Beyer at the Boston Marathon 2021