NYC Marathon Team Spot Check In: Mary Harvey


1. Tell us a little bit about how you came to be involved with NBR. What was your first run? How long have you been involved?

I came across NBR in late 2009. I was heading out for a long run on a Saturday morning and ran into the bridge run. Sherry Rosenkrantz was leading the run at the time, and she said hello and I joined the run across the bridge. We had actually chatted at an NYRR race in the corrals a few months prior to that but it took a while before we figured that out! I’ve been a part of the team ever since.

2. How is marathon training going? Are there any specific workouts that are really moving things along for you? Tell the world a good NBR long run story.

I haven’t done a ton of marathon specific training yet this year-I’ve focused on some longer efforts this summer, like a 24 hour coming up on the 28th of [August]. I’m best at long runs but if I’m honest, “marathon training” is nonexistent!

3. Which NBR runs are you attending regularly to train? Are there any NBR members who inspire you to train hard(er)?

The best piece of training has been getting back to the Thursday morning Hellkatz workouts! I’ve been dealing with a slightly reinjured achilles this summer, so the track has been a perfect spot to connect and get a workout in, even if I’m not quite up to pace. Plus there are sometimes doughnuts since the Crownimal returned!

As for inspiration…it tends to be the people I see on the run just showing up quietly, day in and day out, who live close enough to me that our run routes overlap: Kaitlyn DiBello on her quest for a speedy marathon, Shawn Young going after age group goals, Nicole Locklair getting out and running solo or with her daughter-and those are only a few who I see regularly. If you see me out running please say hi!

4. What does it mean to be chosen by your peers for a coveted NBR marathon team spot? What does it mean to you to be running the 50th anniversary NYC Marathon?

I’m thrilled to be chosen to represent the team. NBR has become a lot more than a running team to me. I have made a lot of friends who I’m still close to who don’t even run anymore! I just hope I can make everyone proud. Running and NBR are a big part of my life!

5. What do you plan on eating post-marathon? What about the night before?


I’ll probably head straight to an UWS bakery for a snack better than whatever is in the “recovery bag” and to meet friends and family post race. After that…whatever is served at the NBR after party!

6. What inspires and motivates you to run this year's NYC marathon?

I always see the marathon as a celebration of our city, as well as a grand tour. This year it feels like a chance to see some changes, and also hopefully the beginning of a return. I hope I’m not being too hopeful in saying that - I’ve really missed races.

7. In your head, what animal (real or fictional) do you think you most resemble when you're running?

A bunny. Specifically, the energizer bunny. I just keep going.


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