Board Member Series #1: Amanda Steigman

When did you join NBR and why?

I joined NBR in 2022 when I was training for my first marathon, Chicago! I knew very little about run clubs, or even running with others, at the time. I was mainly just hoping for some long run company, but I ended up making a lot of good friends.

How did you initially get into running?

Growing up, I hated running - I used to get a doctor’s note to get out of running the mile in gym class. Fast forward to post-college, when I started running casually here and there. Around this time, I developed asthma. I was determined to not let something like this keep me from living an active life at such a young age, so I started running more and training for my first race, an 8K. At some point, it started becoming really fun!

What do you do when you’re not running?

I work as a Machine Learning Engineer and also teach Computer Science at NYU. I spend time with my dog, Willie (to be fair, this sometimes involves running). I like checking out new bakeries and restaurants - I’ve been in NYC for five years now and feel like I’ve still barely scratched the surface. I’ve also been dabbling in climbing recently, which has been pretty fun and, like running, is quite a social sport.

Which NYC store or restaurant would you choose to get a $500 gift card from?

Maybe Bakeri, since I’m there multiple Fridays per month with the AnD crew. I think that this would get me around 83 lemon cakes.

What is your favorite Olympic sport and why?

Not surprisingly, it’s Track and Field. I follow the sport regularly, and it’s cool to see people who usually don’t care about running getting into it! The athletes are so good that they somehow even make all 25 laps of a 10K exciting. I really want to go see it in person in 2028!

How were you involved in NBR prior to your election as a board member?

I’ve been attending 3 NBR runs per week pretty consistently for the last 2 years - usually the Unofficial AnD run, which I help lead, Narwhals, and a Monday run. I helped corral quite a large crew for Grandma’s Marathon this past June, which was an awesome weekend. I also cheered on teammates and volunteered with the club, both of which are great ways to give back to the NYC running community!

What is your favorite thing about being a board member?

So much of our club’s success comes from people working behind the scenes. From the run leaders to the coordinators to the board itself, it’s really cool to see people come together to work on something they care about. I’ve enjoyed contributing to this - it’s only made me love this team more!

What is one piece of advice you would say to someone who is interested in becoming a board member?

If you feel like your voice is missing, it probably is! As a board, we want to try our best to represent the diverse backgrounds and interests of the members of this club. Anyone who is committed to this vision, is a good listener, and enjoys collaboration should consider themself a good fit.


Board Member Series #2: Harrison Grinnan


August Runner of the Month: James Dye