Local Competitive Saturday Long Run

Time: 7:00 AM (June - September)

8:00 AM (October - May)

Distance: 10-22 miles

Pace: 6-7 minutes per mile

Effort: Comfortably Hard to Challenging

Workout Type: Long Run plus Speed Component

Led by: Ryan, Becca, Finn, Chelsea

Meeting Spot: Across from the BP Gas Station, 677 Kent Avenue (on Kent between Hewes and Hooper)

The Saturday Long Run with Speed is geared towards experienced runners who are looking to challenge themselves while specifically preparing for longer-distance races, like the half marathon and marathon. It is organized by our Local Competitive racing team.

While this run typically includes a short warm-up, some faster-paced miles (typically at marathon or half-marathon effort), and a cool-down, the route, distance, and speed component will vary per week. Visit the Google Group to learn more about each week's route.

Runners are encouraged to bring hydration and nutrition with them, along with an ID, insurance card, metrocard, and some form of payment (like a credit card or spare cash).