NYC Marathon Team Spot Check In: Ashley Wolfgang

1. Tell us a little bit about how you came to be involved with NBR. What was your first run? How long have you been involved?

I was never much of a runner. If you would tell my younger self that I now spend most of my free time on runs, I definitely wouldn't believe you, but I'm so thankful that I found running when I did. After doing a few laps around the McCarren Park track a few times in early 2019, I was looking for ways to build my strength and endurance, but wasn't sure how. Thankfully someone at the yoga studio I went to recommended NBR to me and the rest is history!

I officially joined NBR around May 2019. My first run was technically the Monday Morning Easy Run, however I couldn't find the bins and missed the runs, but still attempted to run the route that was sent around. That week I ran with Hellkatz and was hooked—I quickly started attending every and any NBR event!

2. How is marathon training going? Are there any specific workouts that are really moving things along for you? Tell the world a good NBR long run story.

It's going! I unfortunately injured myself about a month ago and had to take almost two weeks off my training. After going to Finish Line Physical Therapy, I found out I had strained my calf and had a bit of a runner's knee. The team there has been so helpful and quickly helped me find the route of my problem and helped me fix my stride. I also learned I was running a lot of my long runs too fast, so learning to bring down my pace and focus more on the distance has been a game-changer!

Thankfully I've been healthy and pain-free for a while now and just ran 20-miles during the Front Runner's/NBR Blue Line Run! I'm not going to lie, it sucked. I was originally just going to run 18, but what's 2 more mies at that point anyway? The last 3 or 4 miles were so incredibly painful and I swear I wanted to scream at every traffic light for making us stop going down 5th Avenue! I cut off from the group the last mile or so to just have a pep-talk with myself, I cried, but pumped myself back up to finish that last mile. I just couldn't believe I made it this far and that I've been surrounded by so many incredibly helpful and supportive people. If this is any preview of the actual marathon, I'm going to be an emotional mess!

3. Which NBR runs are you attending regularly to train? Are there any NBR members who inspire you to train hard(er)?

I co-lead the Monday Morning Easy Run with Erin Conlon, so our Monday morning crew has truly been a shining light through all this and I'm always so thankful so many people show up to run with us every Monday morning. It's truly the best way to start my week and there's nothing better than catching up with friends over a nice easy pace.

My Narwhal's crew has also been my rock throughout all this. I'm always tempted to stop and take breaks when I run solo, but everyone at Narwhals is so encouraging and truly pushes me to run further and further even if my brain is telling me to stop. I also want to say that just everyone in NBR is constantly inspiring me! Seeing everyone's runs—good or bad—is really inspiring and I'm glad we're all in this together!

4. What does it mean to be chosen by your peers for a coveted NBR marathon team spot? What does it mean to you to be running the 50th anniversary NYC Marathon?

This means so much to me, especially as a new runner, that my NBR peers believed in me this much. NBR has been one of the first times I've really found a community where I've lived, so I'm proud to be representing this life-changing club at the marathon this year!

5. What do you plan on eating post-marathon? What about the night before?

Post-marathon I'll probably eat either a burger or tacos with a bunch of french fries. The night before I'll most likely eat pizza! I haven't been that consistent with pre-long run foods. Sometimes it's pizza, sometimes pasta, but it's usually tacos if I'm being honest haha.

6. What inspires and motivates you to run this year's NYC marathon?

Being able to be a part of the first-NYC marathon after a year of no racing is so motivating; I was originally supposed to run this last year, so not being able to was really disappointing, but necessary. COVID-19 is of course far from over, but I'm inspired to run this race for those who can't be here and to help celebrate making it through.


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