November Runner of the Month: Rob Sobotnik

Rob joined NBR sometime in 2018, but started coming to runs more consistently in 2019 while training for his first NYC Marathon. “Having a network of more seasoned runners available to discuss training plans and race strategy really helped get me through my first swing at the marathon distance.” Since the re-opening of NBR, Rob has become one of our Community Outreach Coordinators and one of our TNT run leaders!

What do you do when you're not running?
For work, I’m a retail development project manager for Calvin Klein. For leisure, I do a lot of cooking and take an unbridled amount of joy in food shopping, but also love visiting museums, the movies, live music, etc. I also really enjoy biking around the city as well, but keep blowing my non-existent road bike budget on new running shoes. One day...

How did you initially get into running?
A friend in middle school lured me into the sport which I absolutely hated at first. I eventually got better and more consistent with it and eventually decided to run indoor track in high school, competing in the 200m. I haven't really stopped running since, just nowadays running a lot further than half a lap around the track!

What is your favorite race distance?
Is it sadistic to say the half marathon? Lately anything shorter feels like I don’t have time to get into a rhythm, but my answer could change in a few weeks. I do know for certain that I hate the 5k unconditionally.

Best running memory?
Probably crossing the Berlin finish line this year and having what felt like the whole club sending congratulations on my PR despite the fact that it was 6 hours earlier back in NY. I kept thinking how crazy y'all are, and that you all should get back to bed! But it really speaks volumes about the camaraderie that you can find in this club.

Favorite running route in NYC?
After a year of living in South Brooklyn, I have to say the Shore Road Promenade that hugs the Belt Parkway in Bay Ridge/Fort Hamilton is hands down the best running path in NYC. Flat, scenic, perfect for tempo, recovery or long runs. Stay on it long enough and you'll hit the ocean. Can’t be beat. Sorry, North Brooklyn...

Any running-related superstitions?
I don’t believe in superstitions, but I do swear by a bagel and peanut butter and a beet juice on race day morning for longer distances. I also have learned the hard way multiple times that hummus before a run is a horrible idea.

What has running taught you or changed about you?
It’s really taught me a lot about patience and perseverance. Results don’t show up overnight, but if you keep working at it slowly & surely you will notice a difference. I also spent so much of my life running alone, and the support of a team and a community of like minded people at NBR makes running feel fun and worthwhile.

Favorite post-race food?
If I'm cooking, it's gonna be a breakfast burrito with all of the works, but hopefully I'm not, and it's probably a smoothie followed by something a bit more exciting like pizza or a burger and fries.

Favorite song to run to make you want to run?
"Doorman" by slowthai and Mura Masa, just gets the adrenaline going.

Favorite running social media account?
I’m a sucker for the content that Tracksmith puts out. They do a great job of weaving storytelling, great product and beautiful imagery into their brand messaging. I also can't stop coming back to Shalane Flanagan's instagram account to recount all of the unbelievable accomplishments she's achieved and I can't wait to see her tackle NYC.

What do you think is the worst part about being a runner?
Either having to sit out of plans the night before a long run, completing a long run even mildly hungover, or being drained all day after a long run, especially during the summer months when I’d probably rather be at the beach. Sacrifices have to be made but you learn to appreciate them over time.

Best advice to running newbies?
Take it easy and ask a lot of questions. If you think you’re doing too much too soon, you probably are. Also, stretch and foam roll!!!

Current running goal?
At large, collect the 6-star Abbott World Majors medal before they add a 7th race, and then get the 7-star medal. In the near future, force myself to fall in love with the 5k distance. Though I think the former might be easier.


November Runner of the Month: Anthony Zhu


NYC Marathon Team Spot Check In: Ashley Wolfgang