October Runner of the Month: Mason Palissery

Mason joined NBR in the fall of 2019 while training for the Chicago Marathon. “I was looking for a tight knit running community like the ones I found in D.C. and Pittsburgh, and I wanted to improve my odds of running a 3:15 at Chicago. NBR was a great fit.” She originally got involved by showing up to Thursday Night Track, adding the Saturday Bridge Run and more to her regular weekly schedule. Mason also ran a spectacular Grandma’s Marathon this summer, qualifying her for Boston!


What do you do when you're not running?
When I’m not running, I’m working, sleeping, or spending time with my lovely partner, Tim.

How did you initially get into running?
I got into running when I was 19. I did a year of track in high school, but I wasn’t driven enough to dedicate my time to the team back then. So when I was in college, I decided I wanted to run a half marathon, joined the local running club (Steel City Road Runners), and made it a part of my life. Now I don’t understand how people spend weekend mornings if they’re not out on a long run with friends.

What is your favorite race distance?
My favorite race distance is probably the marathon. I like the sense of commitment that it takes to train properly, the highs and lows, the camaraderie and commiseration that all marathon runners share. And there’s nothing more rewarding than crossing the finish line after 26.2.

Best running memory?
Best running memory…I was running Boston in 2019. I was near Wellesley, and I remember looking for my mom in the crowd because I hadn’t seen her yet. I heard her call my name, so I turned and screamed “I’m running the Boston Marathon!” And the yelled back “Yes you are!!!” That sounds goofy, but I think a lot of times we take our own actions and abilities for granted, and get in the mindset of “this is just what I do.” It’s special when we realize our actions in the moment, because nothing is guaranteed. Especially not a BQ.

Favorite running route in NYC?
Favorite running route in NYC—that’s hard. I live in the UES now, so I like to start from home, head into Central Park, up and over to the west side Highway, south to the Battery, then over the Manhattan bridge into Dumbo. The Manhattan bridge is my favorite, and I do a lot of yell-singing while I run over because after 15 miles, I need to keep myself entertained.

Any running-related superstitions?
My running related superstitions aren’t really superstitions, they’re more like traditions. I wear the same sports bra for every marathon, and I always eat candy the night before a race. I do generally agree that it’s taboo to wear a race shirt before finishing the race, though.

What has running taught you or changed about you?
Running has changed my life in every way. I’ve learned that I’m much stronger and more capable than I ever thought possible. I’ve learned how to appreciate silence, especially when workouts prevent you from forming complete sentences. (I’ve also spent the past 6 years learning from every runner I know, so this is a hard question to give a short answer to!)


Favorite post-race food?
My favorite post race food is a mango/kale/banana/chia seed/oj smoothie…and an egg and cheese biscuit from McDonald’s. Health is balance.

Favorite song to run to make you want to run?
My favorite running song right now: Burn The House Down by AJR…maybe also Hey Look Ma, I Made It by Panic! At the Disco

Favorite running social media account?
My favorite running social media account is probably the orange runner. I like cartoons.

What do you think is the worst part about being a runner?
The worst part of being a runner is honestly when you’re running behind someone on a sweltering day and their sweat flies onto you in little drips. Nothing to be done about it, and I know runners are gross (myself included), but dang I hate that.

Best advice to running newbies?
Running newbies: GET FITTED FOR SHOES. And find a club to run with—the more runners you meet, the more people you learn from, and the better you get at running.

Current running goal?
My current running goal is to finish Boston around 3:25 and then do the same thing in NYC 4 weeks later.

Any other fun running facts about you?
Other fun running facts: I’m hoping to run a sub-3 marathon sometime within the next 5 years. I worked at fleet feet in D.C. and learned a ton about shoes, feet, and running-specific anatomy, so now I’m super biased. Finally, at this point, running is my lifestyle. I would have it no other way.


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NYC Marathon Team spot Check In: Ben Leese