July Runner of the Month: Finn Bell


Finlay Bell started running with NBR after moving to NYC in October 2018. “I wanted to improve my marathon PR and meet some new people in a city that I knew nobody in. Two and a half years later I've done both!”

What do you do when you're not running?

I am the athletics director at a small private school in Bed-Stuy/Clinton Hill - Brooklyn Waldorf School. If I'm not teaching or running I am usually eating pizza.

How did you initially get into running?

I ran a little at school but I was always more focused on other sports. When I graduated from college and moved to London I started to run commute. I still vividly remember my first time commuting in a pair of Adidas Samba shoes with a laptop messenger bag - not the most practical run commute attire. The following weekend I decided a decent pair of running shoes and a comfortable backpack were essential.

Not long after that I decided to run my first marathon. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I guess over the years I have got a little better - I now try to follow a training plan and I own a Garmin.

What is your favorite race distance?

The marathon. It was the race that got me into running and still my favorite. I always say running a big city marathon is something everyone should experience at least once. Such amazing energy and joy fill the streets its impossible not to love it!

Oh by the way - my least favorite - the 5k. A horrible invention.

Best running memory?

PR'ing at the Chicago Marathon in 2019. I ran the whole way with my buddy Drew Reynolds - we finished together hugged and shared a beer or two at the finish line. It was just a perfect day when the weather was ideal and the months of training paid off.

Favorite running route in NYC?

I genuinely love running in NYC. I'm from Scotland which is beautiful in a very different kind of way! If I was pushed I would say "the bridges" over Williamsburg and then back to Brooklyn over Brooklyn - City views and beautiful bridges.

Any running-related superstitions?

Strangely no. I used to be very superstitious but now I don't really think about it. I have a pair of racing shorts which are a little too revealing, which I only use for races, but that's mainly because Brooklyn really doesn't need to see that more than it really needs to.

What has running taught you or changed about you?

I'm not sure running has taught me this but it constantly reminds me never to be arrogant/overly confident. No matter how good you think you are there is almost certainly someone who is finding the workout easier, doing it faster or looking better whilst doing it. We're all out there just doing our best.

Favorite post-race food?

Right let's get specific here - if I have just finished a morning track workout I love a simple avocado on toast. However, post marathon, I'm going all out. I'll take a large pizza, ideally Roberta's, Paulie Gee's or Saraghina's - keep the green stuff and plenty of hot honey.

Favorite song to run to make you want to run?

All My Friends - LCD Soundsystem.

Favorite running social media account?

I am useless at Social Media but when I check in I do like to see what other "run crews" are up to in NYC. I often join our friends at Orchard Street Runners on a Tuesday night - I like their "content" (my wife taught me that terminology) and their weekly workouts. Also @runningonveggies helps to remind me what I should be eating whilst I'm eating pizza and drinking beer.

What do you think is the worst part about being a runner?

Trying to balance running with other commitments. Running is time consuming and sometimes that means very early starts. I guess if you like/love something enough you make it work.

Best advice to running newbies?

Do it now. If you are going to do it there really is no time like the present. You will still need/want to do it once you have sent that work email, emptied the trash, walked the dog or had breakfast. Annoying but true. Anyway that helps me - if it helps one other person - great.

Current running goal?

I'd love to PR at this year's Chicago Marathon, however, my wife and I are expecting a little girl in July so I imagine my training might be a little hindered.

Any other fun running facts about you?

I used to be a decent field hockey goalkeeper. Sexy - I know.


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July Runner of the Month: Erica Dean