March Runner of the Month: Natalie Gleed

When did you join NBR and why?

I joined early in 2016. I’d moved to Williamsburg a few months earlier and kept seeing the shirts around. I was pretty much a solo runner before that. I realised that if I kept turning up I could meet some interesting people.

In what ways have you been involved with NBR? 

Many, because I realised pretty early on that I was getting a lot from NBR, so wanted to give back! I’m currently a Tuesday Night Tempo run leader and also led Narwhals for a number of years. On the co-ordinator side of things I’m the official record keeper for the club and send out the Team Stats emails. In the past I’ve been the club Treasurer, the Women’s master team captain and gala decorator. I fully recommend getting more involved with the club, it’s very rewarding.

What do you do when you’re not running?

I love going to see live music and will often be heading straight to a show after TNT (let me know your new band recommendations), I’m also a season ticket holder at the Nets, NYCFC and soon to be the Giants (so all the losing NY teams).

How did you initially get into running?

When I moved to NY in 2012 I’d run the 2 mile loop round the reservoir once or twice a week for a bit of exercise, then I made a friend who had just completed an Iron Man and he said I could do more. I ran 2013 NYC Half and loved it, so quickly did my 9+1 and it escalated from there… marathon day is truly the best day in New York.

What is your favorite race distance?

A half marathon. It’s long enough to be a challenge, but if it goes badly it’s not the end of the world.

Best running memory?

I think the 2018 NYC marathon. We ran about 18 miles as a big NBR pack and so many people achieved PRs that day. Running with a group is the best (I did it again last week at the NYC half)

Favorite running route in NYC?

I love running around the edge of Manhattan with the views, so probably the Little Island loop.

Any running-related superstitions?


What has running taught you or changed about you?

Everyone has their own goal, and they are all equally valid.

Favorite post-race food?


Favorite song to run to?

Despite being a big music fan I never listen to anything while running.

Favorite running social media account?


What do you think is the worst part about being a runner?

he amount of laundry! In a household of 2 runners it’s a never ending task.

Best advice to running newbies?

It’s a hobby, so it’s supposed to be fun!

Current running goal?

To make it to as many of the NBR food runs as possible.

Any other fun running facts about you?

I just completed my 10th NYC Half in a row (ignoring the COVID hiatus).


Your First NBR Run: What to Expect


March Runner of the Month: Carson Edell Parker