Board Member Series #4: Caitlin Papageorge

When did you join NBR and why?

I joined in 2019. I had recently gotten out of a long term relationship and I thought it would be a great opportunity to meet new friends and kind of reground myself in the neighborhood. Plus, I had trained for multiple marathons alone and thought “this is probably more fun with friends.” Spoiler alert: it is!

How did you initially get into running?

My company sponsored us to run the JP Morgan 5k. I had never raced before and had never run more than three miles. I was literally obsessed. I finished the race and signed up for a 10k immediately and then put my name in for the NYC Marathon lottery which I miraculously got in to. The rest is history!

What do you do when you’re not running?

Well, unfortunately I got into triathlons this year. So basically I just spend my free time looking for snacks. But more seriously I love to cook, or eat what my partner cooks, spend time with friends, and enjoy this amazing city we all call home. 

Which NYC store or restaurant would you choose to get a $500 gift card from?

Misi Pasta 

What is your favorite Olympic sport and why?

All of them - I’m literally obsessed with the Olympics.

How were you involved in NBR prior to your election as a board member?

I’ve always attended runs frequently and then I became a run leader for Doves! And I loved throwing my name in to volunteer for pretty much anything.

Why did you decide to run for the board?

I thought it would be an awesome way to give back to the club that I love so much. Plus, some teammates were urging me! And I love to organize people and things, rally for a cause, talk (and listen!) and hoped I could make a difference.

What is your favorite thing about being a board member?

I think I like what others maybe fear? Which is basically being presented with an issue. I think we find the most meaningful change when trying to problem solve - and when we can try to strip away the emotion and get down to the root of something I find there’s usually something really productive that comes out of those conversations.

As a board member, you get a 360 view of the whole club - with that perspective, even if you can’t solve something perfectly for each member (we have a lot of members) you can at least share what you know and the balance we’re trying to achieve.

Those conversations, and working with individuals on various projects has been the most rewarding for me.

What was the most surprising thing about being a board member?

I will forever be astounded and also so thankful for how engaged this team is. When we put out a call, this team rallys. It’s so amazing.

What is one piece of advice you would say to someone who is interested in becoming a board member?

Be prepared to dig in. You cannot expect from others what you wouldn’t do yourself. This is an amazing experience but it’s also a commitment so just be aware of that. 

Never forget the answer to the above - that we have a huge and very engaged team. Ask for help, remind others they can and should ask for help. Everyone here is a volunteer, everyone is doing this on top of everything else - but many hands make for light work or whatever the phrase is. :)

I have one more piece of advice too - but I’ll save it for the next board. Can’t wait to cast my votes!


Board Member Series #3: Molly Mearns