Board Member Series #3: Molly Mearns

When did you join NBR and why?

I joined NBR in August 2021 within a few weeks of moving to NYC. I found NBR on Google and liked that it was close to home and free to join.

How did you initially get into running?

I've been a runner for most of my life from around age 10. Both my parents were runners, so it came naturally to me. Plus, I don't have great hand-eye coordination, so I wasn't really good at any other sports in school.

What do you do when you’re not running?

Outside of running, I'm usually baking, drinking tea, or studying for actuarial exams.

What is your favorite Olympic sport and why?

Hard to choose. I mainly watch track and field, swimming, and gymnastics, but I'll get into whatever's on TV.

How were you involved in NBR prior to your election as a board member?

After about 6 months of coming to runs, I started co-leading WNRR and eventually joined the board as Treasurer in Fall 2022.

Why did you decide to run for the board?

I didn't exactly run for the board since Treasurer is the only non-elected position on the board. Instead, when the former Treasurer was preparing to step down, I decided to raise my hand as a possible candidate. With my background as an actuary, I felt confident that I would be able to take on the financial responsibilities of the club.

What is your favorite thing about being a board member?

My favorite thing about being a board member has been getting to meet and work with other dedicated members of the club outside of my usual weekly runs.

What is one piece of advice you would say to someone who is interested in becoming a board member?

If you're unsure, just ask! Whether in-person at a run or via email, you can always talk to board members (past and present), coordinators, and run leaders to get a better idea of the commitment and responsibilities that come with getting more involved in club leadership.


Board Member Series #4: Caitlin Papageorge


Board Member Series #2: Harrison Grinnan