October Runner of the Month: Justin Peterman

Our October runner of the month knows that Sunday is always a fun day (for running, anyway.)

Justin Peterman has been in NBR since moving to the East Coast back in 2019 but became a regular fixture on group runs in 2021, when he was hooked on running with the team while training for the Philadelphia Marathon.

“ I rediscovered the importance of belonging to a running community,” he said. “I can vividly recall the elation I felt during that race, surrounded by teammates in the race and cheering from the crowds.

Now, Justin is one of your Sunday Funday run leaders. And when he’s not racing - you’ll find him with the rest of the cheer squad!

When did you join NBR and why?

I joined NBR at the end of 2019, shortly after I moved to New York City from San Francisco for work. I’d been involved with several running groups on the west coast and was interested in finding a new running community on the east coast. I’ve always found running to be a great way to learn and discover a new city. The world has a cruel sense of timing though and I rejoined during the summer of 2021.

In what ways have you been involved with NBR?

I’m a run leader for our Sunday Funday long runs. Lately I’ve been trying to make it out to more races to cheer on my teammates!

What do you do when you're not running?

I work as a software engineer in Manhattan. When I’m not working or running I’m usually attending concerts, riding my bike, or looking for new breweries to try in the city.

How did you initially get into running?

I joined the cross country and track team my senior year of high school. I had never competed in high school sports until then. It ended up being a very rewarding experience. My only regret is that I didn’t join sooner. I didn’t get involved with long distance running until a few years after college. I initially set out to train for a half marathon but ended up registering for the full marathon when I realized I was already putting in the miles. I’ve been at it ever since!

What is your favorite race distance?

The marathon undoubtedly offers the most gratification, but it demands total dedication, paying no consideration to your social life or perpetual hunger from all the time on your feet. Lately, I've grown to value the half marathon more, as it leaves more flexibility to still have a life outside of running.

Best running memory?

I have so many vivid running memories. One that always stands out is the 2021 Philly Marathon, for a number of reasons. It was my inaugural race with NBR. It was also my first race since the onset of the pandemic. The pandemic had really dampened my enthusiasm for running, but as life regained normalcy, I started attending NBR workouts. I rediscovered the importance of belonging to a running community. I can vividly recall the elation I felt during that race, surrounded by teammates in the race and cheering from the crowds. It’s a day that will remain etched in my memory.

Favorite running route in NYC?

My first run in NYC was Central Park and it still holds a special place in my heart. It exudes a certain energy that’s hard to resist. From the company of other runners, the long uninterrupted miles, iconic sights, escape from the city, there’s few places like it.

Any running-related superstitions?

I like to lay out everything I’m wearing or carrying before a race the night before so I don’t forget anything. When I wake up in the morning I don’t have to think about it. I also try to keep the same food routine before every race. Even if that means packing the food I’m most comfortable with in my suitcase for traveling races.

What has running taught you or changed about you?

Running has taught me it’s about so much more than just running. We all join this sport for different reasons, but we get so much more out of it than we expected. It introduced me to people I never would have met, places I never would have been, and mental/physical limits I never knew I possessed. I assume this is true for any activity one is truly passionate about, running just happens to be mine.

Favorite post-race food?

I’m usually craving chocolate milk after a race for recovery. I’m particularly fond of Ronnybrook chocolate milk from the glass quart.

Favorite song to run to make you want to run?

When running with teammates or in a race, I prefer not to listen to music. However, when running solo, I rely on my Spotify running playlist. It has hours of running music. I just turn on shuffle mode and let it be my guide.

Favorite running social media account?

@northbrooklynrunners on Instagram, but I’m biased. It’s always inspiring to see posts from fellow teammates celebrating new PRs, grinding out long runs, and playing an active role in the running community and beyond.

What do you think is the worst part about being a runner?

The last 10k of any marathon.

Best advice to running newbies?

Focus on your own running goals and journey.

Current running goal?

My current running goal is just to stay injury free and explore new cross training methods that will make me a more well rounded athlete. Oh, and run the New York City Marathon. I somehow haven’t knocked that off my bucket list yet.


October Runner of the Month: Grace Yoon


NYC Marathon Team Spot Check In: Beth Masterson