October Runner of the Month: Grace Yoon

Grace Yoon is spicing up North Brooklyn Runners’ party pace.

Like many, Grace really embraced running — and NBR — during the pandemic. She found the club through (what else) Strava and has been a big advocate of our growing Party Pacers pod of runners. But she says it’s not just the runs - but the great conversation and camaradrie that she loves about NBR.

”it's been really refreshing to find a community that shares the same passion as me outside of or alongside one's professional career,” she says. “Every now and then during runs, people ask what I do for work, which is fine, but what's liberating is to not have it to be the center of conversation.”

Grace just finished up the New York Road Runners’ 4 out of 6 program for guaranteed entry into the United Airlines New York City Half next spring (her favorite distance) and is excited to be taking on a bigger role in the club as one of the newest run leaders for the Monday night easy run. You can also run the “spicy party pace” with her at Wednesday night road runs and on Sunday Funday.

How did you initially get into running?

I was enjoying outdoor running occasionally before, but, like many others, I really got into it in the wake of the pandemic. As the world shut down and the public transportation in New York City became far less accessible, running served as a crucial coping mechanism. Picking up my sneakers, reaching farther and different parts of the city with my own two feet felt like an act of defiance, resisting the urge to feel isolated or constrained and instead empowering myself to go the distance and reach the places I wanted to in order to feel free and alive. It was also a space and moment to practice gratitude that I was, and am, healthy and physically able to have an outlet like this.

When did you join NBR and why?

After about two years running solo (since the pandemic), eventually I was playing around with the idea of running a race for the first time. While I was somehow dead set on my first race being a half marathon, I wasn't sure if I could commit to the training/preparation alone. Around this time I stumbled upon the "North Brooklyn Runners" group on Strava and was curious as to whether it was merely a virtual club. After a quick look-up on Google, I joined the listserv and, after a few more months of feeling shy and holding back, finally took the plunge and showed up to a NBR run in the fall of 2022.

In what ways have you been involved with NBR?

I've essentially become an avid Party Pacer and advocate. Over the past year, I've very regularly gone to the Wednesday Night Road Runs and Sunday Funday Runs, which have solid pods of Party Pacers (running 10:30-11:30mm+ depending on the distance). In the case of WNRR, while Miki is the fantastic Party Pace leader of that run, I've been unofficially dubbed a "spicy party pacer," being intermediary between her and Kevin (who leads the 9:00-45mm pod). Lastly, I'm so excited to kick off my second year with NBR by being a new Monday Night Easy Run leader!

What do you do when you're not running?

Professionally, I'm a visual designer working at a digital creative agency. I work remotely with teammates primarily based on the west coast. Because of that, I've resorted to running as a way to set work/life boundaries, being intentional about carving time away from computer screens after work hours. If not running, my other hobbies include reading, cooking and writing/journaling.

What is your favorite race distance?

Half marathon is the sweet spot. I'm not the speediest runner, so I'm not sure if I can handle the pressure of the faster running that comes with 1 mile, 5k, or 10k. On the other hand, I'm barely warming up to the idea of running a full marathon race and the training leading up to it.

Best running memory?

This is fresh, but my 1-year "NBR-versary" happened to be the same day as the Bronx 10 Mile race this past month. Hannah [Jacobsen] and I co-organized a carb-load potluck for a couple fellow NBR racers the evening before, which was so wholesome and fun. A handful of us ended up finding each other the next morning and started the race together. Kevin paced me almost all of it, and during it would point out where the cameramen were and reminded me to smile. All in all, it was surely a moment when I was in awe of how much had happened within my time and journey with NBR this past year. I felt insurmountably grateful to be surrounded by teammates and friends who shared the same joy and looked out for me.

Favorite running route in NYC?

Bridge-wise, my personal pick would be Manhattan Bridge. I feel like it's far less crowded than say Brooklyn Bridge, and the incline and descent are less steep and more palatable than Williamsburg. I also love the route along the west side of Manhattan, from Battery City Park to Hudson River Park and beyond.

What has running taught you or changed about you?

I'll have to echo what previous Runner of the Month Jenny Goldstick expressed: it's been really refreshing to find a community that shares the same passion as me outside of or alongside one's professional career. Every now and then during runs, people ask what I do for work, which is fine, but what's liberating is to not have it to be the center of conversation. We talk about all other things, usually upcoming races, training, or just goofing around. Or, sometimes, we just don't talk and that's completely okay — there's something really comforting and intimate about intuiting when (someone wants) to talk and when to stay focused while running side by side, being comfortable in the shared silence. There's a level of trust and camaraderie set by the exchange of unspoken cues and mutual understanding that goes a long way.

Favorite post-race food

A post-race celebratory brunch is a must. Maybe a breakfast burrito with a glass of cold brew on the side — or a mezcal-infused cocktail if I'm feeling spicy and extra celebratory.

What do you think is the worst part about being a runner?

I've lost toenails a couple times and my toes look extra gross in the in-between re-growing state. Good thing they stay hidden inside my sneakers, nobody would know — now you do.

Current running goal?

I enjoyed going through NYRR's 4 out of 6 program this year for the guaranteed entry to United Airlines NYC Half next spring. So I might do 9+1 next for the sake of having an equivalent program to get through... and then maybe I'll run my first-ever marathon in 2025?!

Any other fun running facts about you?

This past spring, I adopted this Eeyore plushie from a friend who needed to give him away while moving apartments and clearing storage. He's served as my medal holder this year while I've been making my way through the 4 out of 6, at times also holding onto my NBR hat as well.


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