June Runner of the Month: Chelsea Katzenberg

Chelsea joined NBR in 2021, eager to see how running with others would impact her performance. She quickly became a run leader for the LC Saturday Long Run and found herself immersed in a supportive community.

Chelsea's routine running journey began in 2017 when she started working remotely and needed a reason to get outside daily. She loves running through Bed Stuy's brownstone-lined streets and looping Prospect Park.

Keep reading to learn more about Chelsea and to see a picture of her crossing the NYC marathon finish line alone in 2021 — can you believe it?!

When did you join NBR and why?

I joined in 2021. I’d never run with other people and I was curious to see how it would impact my running. As someone who didn’t know a lot about running I just absorbed everything in the first couple of months. It was amazing being around so many other runners—I’d never done a track workout before NBR! Even better, I’ve met some really incredible people.

In what ways have you been involved with NBR?

I’m one of the run leaders for the LC Saturday Long Run

What do you do when you're not running?

Professionally, I work in the ed-tech space, in curriculum design. Personally, I love exploring Brooklyn and searching for new restaurants and tasty IPAs.

How did you initially get into running?

I think it was similar to what a lot of people experienced during the pandemic—just a few years earlier than the pandemic. I began working remotely in 2017, and I realized if I didn’t get outside in the morning, I might never step foot outside my apartment all day. While I’d run sporadically since college, this was when it became more of a routine, and it just took off from there, and became an integral part of my life.

What is your favorite race distance?

It’s a toss up between the half and the marathon. I’ve only run three marathons, but I love training for them, so I think that distance has the slight edge. 

Best running memory?

2021 NYC Marathon. It was my 2nd marathon, but my 1st NYC and also because I was in such a different place with my running that it kind of felt like my 1st marathon all over again (in a good way!). The weather was incredible, I saw my parents and partner three times during the race, I felt great, and it remains my PR. And because it was a slightly smaller field that year, it was also a little less hectic and crowded. I’m pretty much alone in one of my finish line photos, which is pretty hard in a typical year!

Favorite running route in NYC?

Brownstone lined streets in Bed Stuy, or a Prospect Park loop. 

Any running-related supersitions?

I think some of my “PT” exercises and warm-ups at this point are more superstition than actually doing much for me. 

What has running taught you or changed about you?

Running has done a lot for me. It re-ignited a discipline I’d been missing since playing basketball competitively through college, and it provides a weird kind of confidence. I’ll sit down at my desk in the morning feeling like I can deal with anything that might come up at work since I just crushed a hard workout! And it’s connected me with new people who share many interests beyond running. 

Favorite post-race food?

Does a cold IPA count? (It does!)

Favorite running social media account?

I find Laura Green/McGreen hilarious. Runners and the running lifestyle really are pretty ridiculous, and I appreciate her calling us all out for it!

What do you think is the worst part about being a runner?

Injuries, without a doubt. 

Best advice to running newbies?

Don’t do too much at once. Gradual progress is fine!

Current running goal?

Sub three at Chicago in October.


July Runner of the Month: Miranda Feamster


June Runner of the Month: Daniel Dryburgh