June Runner of the Month: Daniel Dryburgh

Joining NBR in February 2021 was a turning point for Daniel. After moving to Williamsburg and retiring from soccer due to injuries, he sought a supportive running community and found the perfect fit with NBR. Since then, he's become a fixture at Thursday Night Track, races, social events, and now serves on the Diversity Committee.

Daniel's journey from soccer to running has been filled with memorable experiences, like running the CIM half marathon relay with his childhood best friend. He's chased personal records, particularly in the 5K and half marathon, and has a deep appreciation for the power of consistency in training.

Keep reading to learn what races Daniel has coming up, and what he does when he’s not running!

When did you join NBR and why?

I joined in February 2021 when I moved to Williamsburg! After one too many injuries from soccer, I decided to retire and throw myself into running. I was looking for a running club and community to get involved with, and NBR was the perfect fit.

In what ways have you been involved with NBR?

TNT + Thursday Night Track and the occasional Narwhals are all consistent fixtures in my NBR mixture. I also began serving on the Diversity Committee this year and always show up for races + social events.


What do you do when you're not running?

  • Triathlon! (just did Montauk Olympic and Maine 70.3 in July)

  • Travel! (Wyoming Road Trip)

  • Music! (Green Day next!)

  • Work! (TikTok)

How did you initially get into running?

I come from a soccer background, playing throughout high school, college, and in NYC. After many injuries, I decided to retire and focus on straight-line sports. I have always enjoyed running in the background, and have really loved learning more about the sport and getting involved.

What is your favorite race distance?

5K (chase for sub-20 has been real; crushed Washington Heights) and the half-marathon (PR’d 2x this year).

Best running memory?

Running the CIM (California International Marathon) half marathon relay with my childhood best friend was an incredible experience. We don't get to see each other as much as we'd like since he lives in Sacramento and has three kids. However, he's getting back into running, and we both set personal records at CIM. It was such good vibes reconnecting and celebrating our success together.

Favorite running route in NYC?

I love me some Kent speedway for weekday workouts. For longer sends, love the West Side Highway, Brooklyn Bridge Park, and the occasional polar plunge long run to the Rockaways.

Any running-related supersitions?

Big believer in the pre-race carb load (pasta!), bubble baths with epsom salts, foam rolling + dynamic warm ups in the morning, peanut butter + banana toast pre-run, rocking my bandana + pit vipers, and trying to send every race.

What has running taught you or changed about you?

The power of consistency. It’s so rewarding to put in the work, see the results, and continually improve. It’s really powerful + motivating to see returns on hard work put in.

Favorite post-race food?

Santa Fe BK breakfast burrito or bodega chop cheese.

Favorite song to run to / that makes you want to run?

Any of the Lane 8 seasonal mixtapes.

Favorite running social media account?

Matt Choi! I know some ppl hate, but love his content. Got a chance to start the BK Half with him and was good vibes. He passed me with 0.25 miles to go.

What do you think is the worst part about being a runner?

Having to wait all weekend for a Sunday race…

Best advice to running newbies?

Be consistent, put in that work, surround yourself with people who push you. And FOAM roll + do those warmups!

Current running goal?

Building endurance ahead of Half Ironman in July. Keep PR szn going! Upcoming races include: New Balance 5th Avenue Mile, New Balance Bronx 10 Mile, and NYRR Staten Island Half.


June Runner of the Month: Chelsea Katzenberg


Running and Mental Health: A Q&A with Olivia Decas