May Runner of the Month: Hannagh Jacobsen

Meet Hannagh, who joined NBR in September 2022. Starting with a steep Saturday morning bridge run, she found accountability and a sense of community in Williamsburg.

Active in Friday food runs, Wednesday Night Road Runs, and Sunday Fundays, Hannagh balances a busy life with a passion for running. Inspired during a vacation in 2022, she quickly grew to love the sport, favoring the 10-mile distance, especially the Bronx 10 Mile race.

Running with NBR has boosted her confidence and introduced her to amazing people. Her advice for newbies? Join long runs—there’s always someone at your pace. Hannagh has her eyes on the NYC Marathon next!

When did you join NBR and why?

My first NBR run was, of course, a Saturday Morning Bridge Run in September of 2022. I had only been running for a few weeks so that incline was brutal. I joined NBR to have accountability in my running but I also later realized I joined to meet people and feel connected to Williamsburg. I do think I ran right home after my first run and skipped the coffee but it only took a few more runs to see a few familiar faces and get more confident about the route.

In what ways have you been involved with NBR?

Typically I am at a Friday food runWednesday Night Road Run (WNRR) and a Sunday Funday

What do you do when you're not running?

I co founded a national company focused on rehabilitating affordable housing and have recently started part-time graduate classes so mostly work but don't worry, I love what I do and I have running for the days when it gets to be a little much.

How did you initially get into running?

Back in 2022, I was on vacation with friends and my friend's husband ran every morning. I thought, that looked nice so why not give it a try. He would pace me for half a mile with teeny increments each morning until we finally got to 1 mile by the end of the week which was a BIG deal for me. 

What is your favorite race distance?

10 miles, I loved the Bronx 10 Mile race last year and am excited to do it again this year! It ends just before I get too exasperated. 

Best running memory?

There's too many! Probably when Grace Yoon (my NBR-bestie) and I had a "NBR-versary" celebration post a WNRR that (thanks to Bryce) ended up in a bunch of us trying to go to Alligator Lounge but when many of us didn't bring IDs we moved it to Night of Joy's rooftop. It felt like a milestone in my running and my involvement in NBR.

Favorite running route in NYC?

I like most runs where we end at a cool location or food stop and appreciate when they include a bridge (the Manhattan Bridge, preferably). Some Sunday Fundays have ended in Dim Sum, Union Square Holiday Food Market, and the best chicken pot pie!

What has running taught you or changed about you?

Running, and especially running with NBR, has taught me that even a solo sport is so much more than just myself. While running has changed me to be more confident and feel stronger, it also has brought me to amazing people and a community I didn't have before. It's the feeling of running with someone you've never met before (and maybe never will again?) who just came from a terrible work meeting or a bad day and chit chatting with them about absolutely anything and everything while taking in amazing views along the Williamsburg waterfront. We can make differences in each other's lives even for just a few miles run at a nice party pace!

Favorite post-race food?

Ideally post race, brunch with Grace and friends. It's a requirement and I was not a brunch person prior to running. 

What do you think is the worst part about being a runner?

The worst part is when you get injured. I had my first knee injury after the NYC half marathon and have had to take it easy since. Running is so integral now to my mental and physical health. Once you fall in love with it, nothing else really gets you to the same headspace.

Best advice to running newbies?

Do long runs, I was so nervous to do a long run and when I finally went to my first Sunday Funday, I found someone who also wanted to start at 6 miles and work our way up each week. There's always someone at your pace, mileage, frame of mind so just ask and email the group. Shot out to the party pace group chat!

Current running goal?

This year I'm doing 9+1 to do the NYC marathon in the next two years. It's out there now on the internet so yup, I'm doing it!


Running and Mental Health: A Q&A with Olivia Decas


May Runner of the Month: S M Bargeen Turzo