August Runner of the Month: Kelly Yaur

When did you join NBR and why?

I joined NBR in November of 2023! My involvement was a little unusual since I became a social coordinator right when I joined. An email went out asking for track meet volunteers, and my email/pitch was just convincing enough that our President, Cait, asked me if I wanted to be a social coordinator instead. (Thank you Cait!!) I’d been eyeing NBR on Instagram for a long time, but I was pretty intimidated since everyone seemed so fast! However, fully immersing myself into the NBR community turned out to be exactly what I needed for my personal wellness, both physically and mentally. Turns out that chronic extroverts do well in run clubs!

In what ways have you been involved with NBR? 

I’m currently a social coordinator and a regular at MNER + Plyo, WNRR, and Thursday Night Track! You can also find me at the social events, cheering on my teammates, and running the (occasional) race. NBR also has many special one off special events that I think fondly of, such as the track meet, beach run with Doves, and the volunteer run we did with Achilles kids! However, I think my biggest contribution so far has been planning Gala (ifykyk). Getting a quality open bar with DJ for 125+ people in Williamsburg was no easy feat! (shout out to the rest of Social squad and the countless NBR coordinators, board, and volunteers for helping to pull off this mammoth effort).

What do you do when you're not running?

You can find me at concerts, heavy lean towards EDM or indie pop, volunteering, or raiding the closest sample sale for a cute statement piece. While I love fashion, I actually work in tech, and I’m currently doing Product at DoorDash! 

How did you initially get into running?

I started running as a kid! I vividly remember running my first 4x100m in elementary school before becoming a sprinter throughout middle/high school. I ran casually throughout college and ran my first half-marathon then. I got back into running post-college by trying out run clubs in NYC, before finding my place with NBR!

What is your favorite race distance?

Honestly I’m still figuring this out! I don’t think I’ve run enough races to know for sure yet, but I think it’s safe to say it’s not the 400m. I used to think that shorter races were easier as a teen but the stress of a strong start? No thanks!!

Best running memory?

Winning a raffle for a free bib into the NYC Marathon 2024. I’m usually always at MNER so when I found out Michelob Ultra was sponsoring a giveaway at Spritzenhaus, I just knew I had to show up. Plus, all I had to do was purchase a $5 beer, nothing to lose! When one of our captains called a name, I completely missed who it was. All I registered was one of my lovely friends screaming and everyone turning to look at me. If you look at my reaction photos from the moment, you can see how shocked and emotional I was!! I was already planning on running my first marathon this year in Philly, but to be able to do it in NYC, my dream city and home, it feels like a canon moment. 

I had a huge outpouring of support from all of my NBR friends both in-person with many hugs, and virtually with an outpouring of sweet Instagram DMs and the group chat of all my running girls. I spent the rest of the night calling my best friends and family, and it truly just felt like a celebration of how much I’ve grown in the past year. My heart was incredibly full, and it also didn’t hurt that it gave my run club crush an excuse to text me once I won!!

Favorite running route in NYC?

Running over the Williamsburg bridge and onto the West Side Highway!! It takes me past all (four) neighborhoods I’ve lived in since moving to NYC in 2021, which feels a little nostalgic and provides a cute little serotonin boost.

Any running-related superstitions?

None (am I doing this wrong??). I’m a big believer in not trying a new meal before a race though (oof).

What has running taught you or changed about you?

Running has taught me that balance can make you happiest. I really enjoy having a routine these days, and my support system has grown so much!! My biggest change has probably been joining NBR, and I feel much happier and healthier these days. If you’re on the fence and you want to try out NBR, go for it! I couldn’t even run two miles when I first joined since I had gotten so out of shape, but my body snapped right back. (I even ran my first 4x400m since high school and I survived!)

Favorite post-race food?

I need a smoothie first and then I’ll go raid any Taiwanese place near me. Favorites include 886 and Mama Lee’s!!

Favorite song to run to / that makes you want to run?

‘Femininomenon’  by Chappell or ‘Murder on the Dance Floor’ to start and then a transition into some recent techno hits (Roar by Charlotte De Witte) followed by some guilty pleasure house music (looking at you Madeon and Avicii).

Favorite running social media account?

NBR’s of course! Kate Glavan is also super fun

What do you think is the worst part about being a runner?

Being worried I’m annoying all of my non-running friends/family with my constant talk of training and getting lost on runs (oops).

Best advice to running newbies?

Stick with it and run a few times a week, then you can decide if you hate or love running! Some runs will feel gross no matter how fast/fit you get.

Become friends with people who are faster than you and encourage you to do things that originally scared you (looking at you Thursday Night track)

Current running goal?

Run my first marathon - see you November 3rd NYC!!


August Runner of the Month: James Dye


July Runner of the Month: Shawn Young